Thursday, February 21, 2013

All I Want Is....

For your second blog post, think about what you most want in life. Money? Marriage? Fame? Adventure? A cool job? Spiritual fulfillment? Write about the one thing you want most in life and why that is most important. Please explain in detail the why.

Monday, February 4, 2013

What Do You Bring to EN 002?

Welcome to EN 002. We are a community of learners, which means that each of you contributes to this class and its success in some way. That is why it's important for everyone to attend class, arrive on time, stay focused, come prepared, meet deadlines, and so on. Everything you do impacts on everyone else. And what you do can mean success or failure to everyone in the group.

For your first blog, write reasons why we (the other students and I) are happy that you are in this class. What will you contribute to EN 002? What positive assets do you bring to us? If it helps, think about Dr. Stewart's "A Guaranteed Path to Academic Success." Are you particularly good at any of those steps?

Write about reasons we are pleased to see you come into class every day. Be sure to explain each reason clearly and completely