Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Did High School Prepare You for College? Due 2/25

For your next blog and to help you get started on Essay #3, write about whether you think high school prepared you for college. State your opinion and then provide evidence to support it. Think back about the types of skills and studies you did in your high school classes before making up your mind.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Steps for Being an A Student -- due in class Friday 2/18

For this blog, write about the process an "A" student follows for a writing class. Remember to describe a process: include steps and sub steps, and be specific. Transitions help the reader follow the process. The end product of the process you describe is an "A" in writing. So if a reader follows your steps, he/she will earn an "A" in writing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fresh Start -- New Semester

New semester, new bloggers, and new blogs to write and comment on. First blog due Friday, Feb. 4th in class.

This one can be really short. Write about something that surprised you about EN 002, the College, semester, or anything college related. Write it in such a way that we start to get a sense of who you are and what kind of person you are. BUT don't tell us who you are and what kind person you are, SHOW us by writing about something that surprised you. A challenge....but I know you are up for it.