By now, you should have finished reading the graphic novel
which is not only a graphic novel but also a memoir. What are your
thoughts on reading a graphic novel. Do you like it? How is it the same
as a regular novel? How is it different? What did you enjoy about the
novel? Is there anything you find frustrating about it? For this post,
write your impression of reading
Persepolis for a writing class.
Please write at least one well-formed paragraph with a topic sentence,
major and minor details. Make sure you proofread it carefully (from hard
copy) before posting it.
Persepolis is a very catchy book.Once people start to read it, their attention will definitely be caught. In the book, the story is about a ten year old girl basically transitioning from girlhood to womanhood.This is what I have learned about reading Persepolis, the little girl have always wanted to be in charge of her community or her country. She always wanted to be a leader; she was also taught to stand up for what she believed in. In closing I would like to say that at a very young age, I believe that she had learned more at the age of ten than most people probably learned there entire life. With her experience, she was always willing to learn more about the real world, so at the age of 14 she was welcomed in womanhood.