After watching Eric Thomas' video (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tqj3XEhBOPU), what's your reaction? Like? Dislike? A little of both? For this first post, write your reactions to the video and what he says. Tell us why you reacted the way you did and think what you think about this. Remember to read the "Blogging Guidelines" on our MyMC course page.
This video is amazing it is extremely motivational and inspirational. It just moves you as you hear Eric Thomas Deliver the speech. It shows the true excellence takes discipline with no distractions, dedication without sleep, and failures without frustration. Nothing is in life is truly easy.
ReplyDeleteThis video is very extremely powerful. The video shows thats nothing is easy. If you want true excellence you have to show dedication and strength to achieve what you truly want to do in life.
ReplyDeleteThis video was amazing because I think being successful means everything. When I saw this video it made me want to achieve more in life.
ReplyDeleteThe speech from Eric Thomas was tremendous and impacted me into my daily life. I truly believe that in order to be successful a person must know how to sacrifice. I'm willing to sacrifice my materials such as my phone, television, and my free time in order for me to excel in my classes. Another belief that I thought was amazing was when he said "If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath, then you'll be successful". It can be a great eulogy not just for me but for others because it can remind a person to stay on track and focus. With that being said, I know that it can be my motto for this semester.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching this video I really feel empowered, and that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. It really inspired me that I can do it if I work hard. I loved the example he used when he was describing the part of him underneath the water. He said you have to work as if you're drowning and wanting to breath. That you have to want it that bad and you must not give up.
ReplyDeleteThe video I watched by Eric Thomas was encouraging, inspiring, and motivating. I enjoyed it he really tried to get across to you in a very short time. The things he said were so true, If you want to do be successful, you will need to make sacrifices, and be extremely dedicated. Let nothing stop you.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that every body have to star from the bottom and work there way up at the top.Nothing is really free in this world;if you think about it success is not really free, because just like the man said in the video you have to go through pain and all type of test to have the success the you want. The harder you want your success, the sooner you will get it. The questions I ask myself from time to time is am I starving for my success?, am I dehydrated or thirsty for my success?, or am I just watching opportunities past me by while I am stuck at the bottom? My answer now would be that I am starving for success. Now how in the world can you tell? I am here that's how. Now will the real Demitri Layton stand up.