Thursday, April 5, 2012

WAR! What is it Good For?

Well, it has been quite a while since we have bloged together. By now, you should be pretty much finished with the book (have read through book three, "Loving," chap. 5). Why do you think he calls the first book "Fear," the second book "Killing," and the third book "Loving"? Talk about each book and what the connection is between the events in the book and the book's title. In other words, what happens in "Fear" that you think he called that part of the book "Fear." Why does he call the second book "Killing," and the third book "Loving."

Be very specific and refer to the book and what is happening in the book to support your answers.


  1. I think he gives this subtitles so we can see the different aspects of war. Fear is how soldiers are preparing themselves to menatlly. Killing is when they carry out missions and alot of people die in this chapter. Love threw me for a loop because I thought it was going to talk about the soildiers being in love with their wives and that specaial person back home but it was talked about how the soldiers actually love war and each other.

  2. I believe the reason he calls the first chapter "Fear" is because for the new soldiers it was hard for them to adapt to the killing and seeing their friends die, and getting shot at by enemies. That made them to be scared in till they adapt to the new environment. The second Chapter was called "Killing" and in my opinion the reason he called that chapter "Killing" is because the soldiers were familiar with the environment they were in, so they adopted that behavior and they followed or did things they have seen which is killing. I believe the reason he called "love" to the last chapter is because they were attached to one another and they really loved what they were doing that made them , so in my opinion that’s why he called the last chapter "killing".
