Spenser and Hawk are sitting drinking coffee at a a little table in front of the croissant shop at the International Place Cafe. Hawk is wearing his tough guy chic and Spenser is looking like the former boxer, ex-cop that he is. Both look tough. A steady stream of office workers wander through the cafe, stopping to order a coffee drink and a croissant or muffin.
Several women feel Spenser and Hawk's eyes on them as the two men check them out. Leah Linkletter, an auburn haired secretary from a law firm on the 32nd floor, notices their interest, likes the look of Hawk, so doubles her efforts to attract his attention. Hawk looks her over again.
Just about everyone takes note of the two men since they clearly do not work in any of the nearby offices. Even though they are deep in conversation, it is clear they don't miss a beat and see everything around them -- not just the women.
Spenser is trying to get the lowdown about Jackie. He knows Susan won't let it rest until he tells her something. And Hawk is a friend. Hawk is humoring Spenser -- throwing him a bone or two -- but not giving up too much about his relationship, or more accurately non-relationship, with Jackie. Neither of them is worried about what is about to happen and the plan they have already set in motion.
Two more men appear -- pretty tough and scary looking men. Billy is huge, bigger than big and as hard as a rock and not too bright a bulb. The other man, Tony Marcus, is in charge and is clearly used to being in charge. Somewhat middle-aged and soft. Billy and Tony stroll towards Hawk and Spenser. Marcus sits at the table with Spenser and Hawk while Billy obediently goes to the counter to get Marcus his coffee and croissants.
Marcus thinks he has everything covered and nothing can bring him down. Spenser and Hawk are hardly blips on his radar. Spenser and Hawk are ready to change all that. They just have to spring the trap. Billy doesn't have a clue what is going to happen next. His motto is to simply follow orders. That has always worked for him and kept him protected and well-fed. He has no plans to change anything at this point in his life. So what if he has to do some things he doesn't really like. (chapters 43-44)
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