So far today has not been a great eating day -- three cups of coffee, didn't have time to eat the pear that I brought, no time after class to eat since I had to rush off for a meeting. Dr. Wahl handed me two small Reese's peanut butter cups as I dashed out of the meeting and off to meet my son's bus. Grabbed a pear as the bus was pulling up. I just ate handful of pretzels and humus as we are heading off to basketball. I don't think dinner will much better because we don't get back in time to make a "real" meal. Too many things to do gets in the way of actually eating. The only thing I will say about dinner is that at least there was asparagus and my neighbor brought Aaron some chili she had made.
Thursday -- two cups coffee, pear between classes, yogurt after class and my afternoon caffine -- Dr. Pepper. Home handful of almonds on the way to meet my son's bus. Again rushing off to take him to piano class. On the way home, picked up a slice from the Corner Slice (I prefer Vace's) since it was too late to make dinner. After reading stories and getting him to bed, grabbed a couple of pieces of Halloween candy from the bag on top of the fridge.
Friday morning -- coffee, not sure how many cups but two so far.
A pattern emerges: Life interferes with eating.
The good news is that we sit down to eat dinner together almost every night-- whatever dinner might be.
I really like how simple ur brekfest and lunch was and I find it nice that you and you famliy sit down together for dinner:)
ReplyDeletenice and healthy
ReplyDeletedamn, your neighbors are feeding your kid now? Come on! Re: Dr. Pepper, there are lots of off-brands of it with funny names... I used to be a connoisseur of them. The best is Safeway's "Dr. Skipper."