As we left class after watching "King Corn" last week, Dr Wahl said, I feel overwhelmed." I agreed. Where do we start?
I knew most of what "Chew on This" discussed, but watching the film on the heels or rereading it was a lot to take in at once.
I worry more about my son than me (I'm old!).
I learned that corn is everywhere and not always good for us. I learned more about the environmental impact of industrialized agriculture than I knew before but probably sort of knew some of it and never really thought too much about it. (I suspect that converting my car's diesel engine to ethanol (corn) is not an environmentally sound idea).
I'll have to spend more money than I do on food to buy responsibly grown foods -- if I can find them. Buy more organic, more locally grown (which I was starting to do), and buy from smaller farms. All of which is going to cost me!
I feel overwhelmed because I don't see how we can change it, and it impacts on our health and the health of our children.
I learned not to read or watch anything else about these topics; I might run out of things to eat--oh yeah, we're about to start watching "Supersize Me." Oh well.
I knew most of what "Chew on This" discussed, but watching the film on the heels or rereading it was a lot to take in at once.
I worry more about my son than me (I'm old!).
I learned that corn is everywhere and not always good for us. I learned more about the environmental impact of industrialized agriculture than I knew before but probably sort of knew some of it and never really thought too much about it. (I suspect that converting my car's diesel engine to ethanol (corn) is not an environmentally sound idea).
I'll have to spend more money than I do on food to buy responsibly grown foods -- if I can find them. Buy more organic, more locally grown (which I was starting to do), and buy from smaller farms. All of which is going to cost me!
I feel overwhelmed because I don't see how we can change it, and it impacts on our health and the health of our children.
I learned not to read or watch anything else about these topics; I might run out of things to eat--oh yeah, we're about to start watching "Supersize Me." Oh well.