Thursday, November 19, 2009

King Corn

As we left class after watching "King Corn" last week, Dr Wahl said, I feel overwhelmed." I agreed. Where do we start?

I knew most of what "Chew on This" discussed, but watching the film on the heels or rereading it was a lot to take in at once.

I worry more about my son than me (I'm old!).

I learned that corn is everywhere and not always good for us. I learned more about the environmental impact of industrialized agriculture than I knew before but probably sort of knew some of it and never really thought too much about it. (I suspect that converting my car's diesel engine to ethanol (corn) is not an environmentally sound idea).

I'll have to spend more money than I do on food to buy responsibly grown foods -- if I can find them. Buy more organic, more locally grown (which I was starting to do), and buy from smaller farms. All of which is going to cost me!

I feel overwhelmed because I don't see how we can change it, and it impacts on our health and the health of our children.

I learned not to read or watch anything else about these topics; I might run out of things to eat--oh yeah, we're about to start watching "Supersize Me." Oh well.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Aaron's Choice with Punctuation Added & Now Corrected!

They told him, "Don't you ever come around here; don't wanna see your face. You better disappear." The fire's in their eyes, and their words are really clear.
So beat it. Just beat it.
You better run. You better do what you can. Don't wanna see no blood. Don't be a macho man. You wanna be tough? Better do what you can. So beat it, but you wanna be bad.
Just beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat it.
No one wants to be defeated. Showin' how funky. Strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right.
Just beat it. Beat it. Just beat it. Beat it. Just beat it. Beat it. Just beat it. Beat it.
They're out to get you. Better leave while you can. Don't wanna be a boy. You wanna be a man. You wanna stay alive. Better do what you can. So beat it. Just beat it.
You have to show them that you're really not scared. You're playin' with your life. This ain't no truth or dare. They'll kick you; then, they beat you. Then, they'll tell you it's fair. So beat it, but you wanna be bad.
Just beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat it.
No one wants to be defeated. Showin' how funky. Strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right. Just beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat it. No one wants to be defeated. Showin' how funky. Strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right.
Just beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Just beat it. Beat it. Beat it. Beat it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So far today has not been a great eating day -- three cups of coffee, didn't have time to eat the pear that I brought, no time after class to eat since I had to rush off for a meeting. Dr. Wahl handed me two small Reese's peanut butter cups as I dashed out of the meeting and off to meet my son's bus. Grabbed a pear as the bus was pulling up. I just ate handful of pretzels and humus as we are heading off to basketball. I don't think dinner will much better because we don't get back in time to make a "real" meal. Too many things to do gets in the way of actually eating. The only thing I will say about dinner is that at least there was asparagus and my neighbor brought Aaron some chili she had made.

Thursday -- two cups coffee, pear between classes, yogurt after class and my afternoon caffine -- Dr. Pepper. Home handful of almonds on the way to meet my son's bus. Again rushing off to take him to piano class. On the way home, picked up a slice from the Corner Slice (I prefer Vace's) since it was too late to make dinner. After reading stories and getting him to bed, grabbed a couple of pieces of Halloween candy from the bag on top of the fridge.

Friday morning -- coffee, not sure how many cups but two so far.

A pattern emerges: Life interferes with eating.

The good news is that we sit down to eat dinner together almost every night-- whatever dinner might be.