OK, so we had a total of five blogs this semester. Four of them I posted on this blog. There was one that I emailed you that was due on Novemeber 9th. It was an open topic -- so you could write about anything you wanted.
Please be sure that you have written all your blogs for the semester.
These blogs will remain active, so you can continue to add new posts whenever you want.
Happy blogging!
Prof. Simon
Friday, December 2, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Would you want to work for Anthony Bourdain?
Would you want to work for Anthony Bourdain in one of his restaurants? Why or why not? Think about how he is at the end of the book -- not as a drug addict/alcoholic. What do you think? Is his restaurant the kind of environment you would want to work in? Is it the type of place you could succeed? Remember be specific and detailed in your blog. Due Wednesday, October 26th before class begins.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Kitchen Confidential is ______________ Part II
For this week’s blog, build on what you started last week. Last week, you wrote one body paragraph describing the book _Kitchen Confidential_ by Anthony Bourdain. This week, write the second body paragraph. Think of another way to describe the book. Write a topic sentence and then develop your topic sentence with evidence from the book. Be sure to print out your paragraph and proofread it carefully. When you are satisfied with both the content (use the grading rubric for this) and grammar (have done your very best to write grammatically correct sentences), use the two topic sentences to write a blue print thesis. Up load this new paragraph and thesis statement to your blog for this week’s assignment. Add the thesis to the end of your blog. These must be posted BEFORE Friday’s class.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Welcome Fall 11
Hello Bloggers. Welcome to EN 001 and to blogging (if you don't already have a blog). Your first blogging assignment for next Wednesday, September 14th, is to think of yourself as a writer, an English student, and blogger. Talk about your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes as a student and writer. Remember to follow the "Blogging Guidelines" that I posted on our MyMC course page. Please check to make sure you are following the guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact me via my College email address.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Song Assignment
Your next blog assignment -- due Monday April 4th -- is to select a song and punctuate it following the punctuation rules we have been working on this semester. Remember to use the tools that you have -- handouts, class notes, class notes posted on MyMC, your textbook, and anything else we have relied on for using correct punctuation. Have fun with it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Blind Side -- Favorite Event

You should be at least three-quarters of the way through The Blind Side.
I'm sure there are some events or scenes that really stand out in your mind. What is your favorite? Write about your favorite scene or event (please include the page numbers so that we can refer to it if we want). Write a little about what happens and then explain why this is your favorite. Try to be complete.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Last Week Before Midterms!

OK, so far this semester, I have given you topics to write about for your blog each week. For this week, you get absolute freedown to write about a topic of yur choice -- it can be college, class related or something that is going on in the world or in your life. You decide. Just keep in mind that we will be readig these in class and blogs are public.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Did High School Prepare You for College? Due 2/25
For your next blog and to help you get started on Essay #3, write about whether you think high school prepared you for college. State your opinion and then provide evidence to support it. Think back about the types of skills and studies you did in your high school classes before making up your mind.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Steps for Being an A Student -- due in class Friday 2/18

For this blog, write about the process an "A" student follows for a writing class. Remember to describe a process: include steps and sub steps, and be specific. Transitions help the reader follow the process. The end product of the process you describe is an "A" in writing. So if a reader follows your steps, he/she will earn an "A" in writing.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Fresh Start -- New Semester

New semester, new bloggers, and new blogs to write and comment on. First blog due Friday, Feb. 4th in class.
This one can be really short. Write about something that surprised you about EN 002, the College, semester, or anything college related. Write it in such a way that we start to get a sense of who you are and what kind of person you are. BUT don't tell us who you are and what kind person you are, SHOW us by writing about something that surprised you. A challenge....but I know you are up for it.
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