I remember the first time I wrote about this topic on my blog about a year ago (see 11/04/09 post). I thought maybe things had changed since then and that my eating habits might have gotten worse. But thinking about it, I realize that one thing hasn't changed -- time interferes with eating properly or even just with eating.
Second week of classes, things are crazy busy. My son is back to his school-year schedule, which makes my life even more complicated. Getting meals together is a bit more than this single working mom can do. I make sure my son gets his 3 squares a day, but I'm not so good about taking care of mine.
That said, here's my eating Tuesday
6:00 coffee (and lot's of it). Classes straight through 8-12:20.
son's power bar that I dug out of the bottom of my bag around 12:30
Dr. Pepper -- yum and caffeine!
hummus, crackers, cheese, and carrots, celery when I get home around 3:00 as I sit at the computer answering emails.
6:00 dinner for my son. Very brave, I make chicken for him, broccoli, and
quinoa for b

oth of us.
pomegranate popsicles for dessert.
And a blue moon after grading papers 10:30. My reward for a long day.
OK so not bad (better than the last time I blogged about this), except that I didn't really get any "real" food until around 2:30 (hey and where's the fruit?)