I have a son. I grew up with girls; I have sisters and nieces. I do not understand boys and do not pretend to understand them (they are almost as alien as Texans are, and everyone knows that Texas is another planet) My son is boy through and through. He is all about being a boy. He is yucky, but I'm not allowed to say that because I really don't want my son to think that his mother thinks that he is yucky. So, instead, I will say that he does yucky things. The other day, he climbed into my lap, put his face close to mine, and burped loudly right in my face. Then said with his eyebrows waggling, "Now, we're talking." He also likes to fart, but first he makes sure to catch my eye (to be sure that I am watching) and then he lets go a loud, stinky fart. I'm not going to go into what it takes to get him to use soap when he washes his hands, let's just leave it that he is "allergic" to soap. I'm not sure raising a boy is helping me to understand them any better than I ever did.